UAL BLOG 7 (September 2024) – Back To School
New term, new website, new no-stress resolutions
Hi, Vicki back on the blog again (and wondering why there are dog hairs on the keyboard? Would you know anything about that, Stella?)
How’s your September going?
It is always a rush getting kids kitted up and back to school. New timetables, uniforms, school, buses, teachers, friends, PE kit, and then within the first week PE kit and uniform will be lost!!!
So remember to name EVERYTHING with iron on name labels and laundry markers readily available at all our shops and online.
As parents and guardians there is always so much to organise: ferrying kids to after school clubs, helping with homework – all the while trying to keep the home in order. When things do go wrong we end up beating ourselves up about the little things we have no control over.
One to remember is that the ‘U’ does not drop out of UAL once term starts! We are here all year, for items that get forgotten, outgrown, ripped, swapped or lost, (remember those name labels or laundry marker) supplying uniforms to schools across the North West, and afar; from PE kits, swimming, footwear, accessories, clubs and societies.
Fingers crossed (we all know what technology is like) September will see the launch of our wonderful new website!
At you will find not only brilliant school uniforms, but high-quality work-wear for thousands of jobs. From tunics for care, beauty and veterinary wear to catering and chef-wear. There will also be a full range of Hi Visibility garments along with PPE, safety footwear and accessories. Garments can be embroidered / printed (all undertaken on our premises in Morecambe) with your bespoke logo making you stand out in the crowd
‘International happiness at work week’, is from 23rd of September. This a great reminder that making life at work happier will benefit all of us. Just by making someone a cup of coffee or having a chat, can make a difference to the scales of work-life balance.
To all the UAL amazing staff a huge thank you to you all. Stella and I will try to persuade the other MD to buy us all sundaes for Happiness at Work Week!
Stay happy,
Vicki & Stella